15.1.2023 – jupí. Už jsme tady a je nás 9.
4 holčičky a 5 chlapečků. Wiguška byla velmi šikovná, první chlapeček se narodil v 11 hodin a poslední,který uzavíral kruh v 14:40. Byla to taková rychlost, že pomáhala celá rodina. Miminka i maminka jsou zdravá a krásně rostou.
15.1.2023 – Jupí. We are already here and there are 9 of us.
4 girls and 5 boys. Wiguška was very handy, the first boy was born at 11 am and the last boy who closed the circle came into the world at 14:40. It was so fast that the whole family helped. Puppy and mom are healthy and grow beautifully.